DustProductions.TriggerMeTimbers Namespace |
Class | Description | |
CacheableTriggerable |
A Triggerable that also performs caching, allowing us to easily set values to their cached versions.
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Trigger |
Triggers are objects that care about something in the world and notify Triggerables when the thing they care about happens. The notification is in the form of either sending the Triggerable true or false.
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Triggerable |
Inherit from this to easily implement Triggerable behaviour. Once you do so, and implement the abstract methods, you will be able to hook your class into all the Triggers TriggerMeTimbers has to offer. If you are unable to inherit from this, you can also just implement the ITriggerable interface.
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TriggerableAddForceToRigidbody |
Use apply physics forces to a Rigidbody on some sort of trigger. If you aren't sure what type of force to use, check Unity's documentation.
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TriggerableAudioSourcePlayback |
Control the playback for a AudioSource based on some sort of trigger.
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TriggerablePlayAnimation | Obsolete.
This class was used to play animations for versions prior to Unity 2017.3, but it now no longer works. It will be replaced in a future version of Trigger Me Timbers. No additional documentation will be provided.
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TriggerableSelectSelectable |
Allows the selection of UnityEngine.UI.Selectable objects. Only one Selectable can ever be selected in the game at a time.
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TriggerableSetAudioSourceAudioClip |
Swaps the AudioClip on AudioSources based on some sort of trigger.
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TriggerableSetBehavioursEnabled |
Allows you to set Behaviours to a custom enabled status, or back to what they were when cached on some sort of trigger.
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TriggerableSetColor |
Sets Color values on some sort of trigger.
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TriggerableSetFloat |
Sets float values on some sort of trigger.
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TriggerableSetGameObjectsActive |
Allows you to set GameObjects to a custom active status, or back to what they were when cached on some sort of trigger.
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TriggerableSetImageSprite |
Sets the Sprite on an Image based on some sort of trigger.
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TriggerableSetInputText |
Sets the text of an InputField on a trigger.
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TriggerableSetMouseCursor |
Sets the mouse pointer to a predefined CursorDefinition based on some sort of trigger.
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TriggerableSetText |
Allows you to set Text components to a custom string or back to their cached value on a trigger.
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TriggerableSetToggle |
Use to set Toggles to a value when triggered.
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TriggerableSetTransformValues |
Allows you to set values on a Transform based on some other behaviour. Works for Transforms and RectTransforms.
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TriggerFilter |
This is both a Trigger and an ITriggerable, which means it can be a bridge between the two. The reason this class exists in that way is so you can consolidate multiple Triggers into a single Trigger.
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TriggerOnAwake |
Triggers when Awake or OnDestroy are called.
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TriggerOnButtonClick |
Allows you to Trigger things when a Button is clicked.
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TriggerOnColliderTrigger |
Triggers when this object collides with a Collider that has "Is Trigger" set to true.
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TriggerOnCollision |
Triggers when this object collides with another collider.
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TriggerOnDrag |
Triggers when the pointer attempts to drag a UI object.
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TriggerOnEnable |
Triggers when this MonoBehaviour is enabled or disabled.
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TriggerOnHover |
Triggers when a pointer enters or exits a UI object's area.
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TriggerOnInputText |
Triggers when certain things happen to an InputField class.
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TriggerOnKeyPress |
Triggers when an input button or combination of buttons is pressed. This MonoBehaviour has to use the Update function. The highest performance trigger setting is "OnAnyKey", followed by "OnAnyKeyInArray", followed by "OnAllKeysInArray".
This component provides a simple way to handle input in your game. For more complicated games, you might wish to extend this or write a custom solution.
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TriggerOnPointerClick |
Triggers when the pointer clicks on a UI element.
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TriggerOnSceneLoad |
Trigger that pays attention to scene loading.
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TriggerOnStart |
Trigger on Unity's Start and OnDestroy calls.
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TriggerOnTimer |
Triggers when a certain amount of time passes. Time passing is based on Time.deltaTime called in Update.
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TriggerOnToggled |
Triggers when things happen to a Toggle.
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TriggerOnUpdate |
Uses Unity's Update functions to send Triggers.
I would recommend using as few of these as possible, as most everything should be able to be done without the Update functions using Trigger Me Timbers.
Interface | Description | |
ITriggerable |
Implement this interface on anything you want to hook into a Trigger. Useful if you have some other inheritance (preventing you from inheriting from the Triggerable class), and still want to leverage everything TriggerMeTimbers has to offer.