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ExtensionMethodsTryRemoveItemsOfWrongType Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberTryRemoveItemsOfWrongTypeT1, T2(ListT1, Boolean)
Removes the items in a list that don't match or inherit from the type specified. Will also remove null items.
Public methodStatic memberTryRemoveItemsOfWrongTypeT1, T2(ListT1, ListT1, Boolean)
Removes the items in a list that don't match or inherit from the type specified. Will also remove null items.
Public methodStatic memberTryRemoveItemsOfWrongTypeT1, T2(T1, T1, Boolean)
Removes the items in an array that don't match or inherit from the type specified. Will also remove null items.
Public methodStatic memberTryRemoveItemsOfWrongTypeT1, T2(T1, T1, ListT1, Boolean)
Removes the items in an array that don't match or inherit from the type specified. Will also remove null items.
See Also